Is it me, or does Clint Dempsey seem lost when playing for the National Team? I mean no disrespect to the man, because he can play, but it's like he just can't find in groove out there with the other Yanks. Please don't be another Twellman.
Oh hai.
It's me, Guy. Yeah, that Guy.
I figured my non-soccer fan friends were sick of my rants and raves so I'll just take them here. I'm sure some of you will be challenged by some of the things I say. Feel free to disagree in the comments, but don't expect a back and forth debate from me. Cuz, I don't have time. So if you wanna say something make it a complete statement. Comments by trolls, racists, homophobes, and annoying motherfuckers happily deleted.
Humor appreciated.
Here's a interview I did with Under the Blue Banner last week. I talk about how I got into The Casbah. I come on about 15 minutes in.
Under the Blue Banner: Episode 13
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